Dale Seagrass Update

Following scientific trials in 2019, in 2020 many seagrass seeds were planted in Dale, supported by the community, school children and local organisations.

Since planting, the seagrass area has been reseeded several times to infill gaps and support it as it develops. Despite some setbacks, the restoration area is now doing well, with a great increase in growth this year seen in recent monitoring. The natural patch of seagrass closer to the shore (Frenchman’s Bay area) is also doing well, likely due to seagrass seeds being transported to this area from the restoration area, and natural growth.

Scuba divers went out in autumn 2024 and covered 3,000 m² of the restoration area, surveying in ten distinct lines. The results show that the average number of shoots within each seagrass clump has greatly increased since 2023. This means that the clumps of seagrass are larger, with the potential to patch together with more growth to form a meadow. The seagrass in the restoration is looking healthy and growing well!

Graph showing shoots per clump from recent monitoring in Dale

 The average number of shoots across the whole restoration area has also increased since 2023, and recovered since a trawling and storm incident
that impacted the seagrass from 2021 to 2022.

Leaf length of the seagrass has remained stable from 2023 to 2024, suggesting that the seagrass is reaching it’s maximum length for the environmental conditions.

We’ve also been co-delivering many seagrass related activities with local businesses – including seagrass paddleboard and snorkel safaris, art activities, seine netting, community meetings and more. We have our first Sensitive Ecosystem Responsible Fisher (SERF) and are trialling seagrass friendly lobster pots. We also continue to support the visitor moorings located outside of the restoration area – with donations encouraged for use. We couldn’t have achieved what has been without the ongoing support of Dale Seagrass Stakeholder Group, who continue to provide oversight to the project.