Our Projects

Our Projects

Explore the map to learn more about our projects around the world

Project Seagrass is an international organisation working across the globe to save seagrass.

Protecting and restoring seagrass meadows contributes to the solutions to many global problems such as food insecurity, water quality, wellbeing, and gender equality, as well as the more well known issues of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Saving seagrass requires a holistic approach of action at local, regional and global scales.

Click on the areas below to discover more about our projects and where we work: 

Our Projects

Explore the map to learn more about our projects around the world

Project Seagrass is an international organisation working across the globe to save seagrass.

Protecting and restoring seagrass meadows contributes to the solutions to many global problems such as food insecurity, water quality, wellbeing, and gender equality, as well as the more well known issues of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Saving seagrass requires a holistic approach of action at local, regional and global scales. 

Click on the areas below to discover more about our projects and where we work:

Temperate Northern Atlantic Arctic Tropical Atlantic Southern Ocean Tropical Eastern Pacific Temperate South America Temperate Northern Pacific Western Indo-Pacific Central Indo Pacific Temperate Australasia Eastern Indo-Pacific Temperate Northern Pacific Temperate Southern Africa


We do not currently work in this region

Southern Ocean

Encompasses Antarctica - The only are which is not known to contain any seagrass species

Tropical Eastern Pacific

We do not currently work in this region

Temperate South America

We do not currently work in this region

Temperate Northern Pacific

We do not currently work in this region

Temperate Australasia

We do not currently work in this region

Eastern Indo-Pacific

We do not currently work in this region

Temperate Northern Pacific

We do not currently work in this region

Temperate Southern Africa

We do not currently work in this region

Temperate Northern Atlantic
Western Indo-Pacific
Tropical Atlantic
Centro Indo-Pacific
Explore our projects in the  Temperate Northern Atlantic
Current Projects
Restoration Forth 
Seagrass Ocean Rescue: Dale
Zostera Experimental Network
Seagrass Ocean Rescue: North Wales
Restoration of Seagrass for Ocean Wealth (ReSOW)
Seagrass Ocean Rescue - Solent
Exploring noltii restoration in Essex
Seagrass Nursery
Exploring restoration in South Wales
Water Quality
Restoration of Seagrass for Ocean Wealth (ReSOW)
Seagrass as Bioindicators
Seagrass Ocean Rescue: Scaling up Restoration
Completed Projects
Investigating seagrass meadows as a potential micro-plastics sink
Developing drone technology in Wales
Replenishing damaged seagrass meadows in Wales
12th International Seagrass Biology Workshop


Explore our projects in the 
Western Indo-Pacific
Completed Projects
Assessment of seagrass meadows and associated biodiversity within the Myeik Archipelago, Myanmar
Recognising the value of lagoonal small-scale fisheries in Sri Lanka
Explore our projects in the Tropical Atlantic
Current Projects
Developing a Protocol for Flats Fisheries
Completed Projects
Land2Coast: investigating the effects of land use change on the coastal zone in Quintana Roo, Mexico
Explore our projects in the Centro Indo-Pacific
Current Projects
Indo-Pacific Seagrass Network
Completed Projects
Seagrass Ecosystems Services
Programme Lamun Wakatobi
Empowering Community Action for Seagrass Conservation in Southeast Asia: Seagrass Meadows Support Food Security
Engaging communities with citizen science in Southeast Asia

Seagrass biodiversity, social-ecological systems and poverty alleviation: a collaborative, comparative study in the Indo-Pacific (SeaSTEP)


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countries worked in
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volunteers engaged
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projects completed
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countries worked in
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At Project Seagrass we believe that building a community around seagrass ecosystems is the best approach to generate both an awareness and understanding of these critical ecosystems and the marine environment more broadly.

One of our core aims is to raise an awareness of the marine environment and the issues facing our seagrass meadows around the world. Working across sectors we can work collaboratively to educate and inspire the next generation, and in turn advance the conservation of not only seagrass, but the environment as a whole for the future.


At Project Seagrass, we recognise that the pressures on our oceans are urgent. Since our inception, we’ve been focused on applied seagrass ecosystem research, geared towards making an impact in the real world.

Our research work is interdisciplinary, global and involves collaborators at a number of internationally leading institutes.

As a dedicated team of seagrass conservation scientists, we’ve lead and contributed to over 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Read our publications here


At Project Seagrass, we know that by monitoring seagrass meadows, we can keep an eye on how they’re doing. And through underwater gardening, we can actively replant our lost seagrass meadows.

Saving our seagrass means working together. We believe collaboration is key which is why our projects are a collaboration between key partners, funders and communities all working towards a world where seagrass meadows are thriving.


Discover why it is vital we save the world's seagrass