Project Seagrass

Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Dear Santa,

We have tried to be responsible people all year. We are really hoping that this year we get the thing we have always wanted – healthy and productive oceans.

We know that people haven’t looked after the oceans from the first time they were given to us, and we also know that the climate is changing and this is making us all very concerned!

However, at Project Seagrass we have a plan to do our bit to help them get better. To help us achieve our aim we would like the following for Christmas this year:

• We’d like seagrass meadows full of fish

• We’d like everyone to know what seagrass meadows are

• We’d like for everyone to know how diverse seagrass meadows are

• We’d like for everyone to know where in the world all the seagrass was

• We’d like for everyone to learn more about seagrass in school


Finally, if you don’t think we are being cheeky, we’d like you to ask our friends in #TeamSeagrass what they would like to ask for from Santa this year, I’m sure they also have some great ideas!


We’ll ask them to use the hashtag #DearSanta to collate a list for you.

Thanks Santa


Merry Fishmas!


The Project Seagrass team.