Project Seagrass

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We were extremely excited to build up a relationship with Project Seagrass. Being asked to take part has enabled us to develop our skills and knowledge as staff to help progress with our own school project ‘AYM Project Plastic’.

The children have absolutely loved this experience! They have gained lots of skills and knowledge. More importantly for us as a school, many of our pupils find it difficult to think about what they aspire to be, however since working with Project Seagrass many now talk about their aspirations to become marine biologists and are very eager for us to become part of more conservation projects.

The children have gone from knowing nothing about seagrass to being very keen to ‘show off’ what they have learnt about the importance of seagrass and how we can help restore and maintain it for the sea environment. They get very excited when Project Seagrass (especially Evie) are coming into school and every visit has been fun and enjoyable so the children always want to know how long until their next visit!

We can’t thank Project Seagrass enough for this experience and look forward to working together in the future.

Vicky Hibben & Gemma Ness

Awel y Mor Primary School